We are a vibrant Roman Catholic community located in West Chester, PA. Join us for worship, for spiritual enrichment, or in service to others. Let us help you get to know Jesus!
The beneficiary of our parish poor box for September is Birthright of West Chester, an organization committed to offering free, non-judgmental help to women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Offering love, hope and support to each woman helps her plan for her future and the future of her unborn child.
Services include pregnancy testing, emotional support, adoption information, maternity clothes, baby clothes/items, monthly diapers and wipes, referrals for medical care, and referrals for housing, food assistance and other needs.
The SSPP Women's Evening Cafe on October 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM will feature Dr. Gilbert Leidig, Jr., MD and author of the book, "Angels - a Thirty Day Walk".
Dr. Leidig will speak on God's unseen creation - angels, highlighting how they guide us, communicate with us, and protect us.
Please register here and sign up to bring an appetizer or beverage to share.
Your free-will donation will help us maintain this important and popular ministry.
The event will take place in the Parish Center unless attendance requires an alternative. Hope to see you there!
Two additional Christian meditation events hosted by parishioner Jessica Hildebrand:
Rest in Him: Mini-Retreat - Saturday Sept. 21, 1 - 4 p.m.
An afternoon of Christ-centered solutions to stress, like: engaging praise + worship, guided meditation, and an expert talk on managing anxious thoughts by Catholic therapist, Christine Fauci-Wittman.
To learn more: https://daylesford.org/event/rest-in-him-mini-retreat/
Sit: A Christian Meditation Workshop Series - Wednesdays from Sept. 25 to Oct. 23, 6:30 - 7:45 p.m.
In the busyness of everyday, learn to sit with the Lord. No matter how noisy your mind is, you can practice meditation. Come and learn how. All are welcome; no experience necessary.
To learn more: https://daylesford.org/event/sit-a-christian-meditation-workshop-series/2024-09-25/
If you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith or to complete your full initiation into the Catholic Church by receiving your sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, you are welcome to enter our O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) process. A new group is forming and will meet weekly on Thursday evenings from mid-September through early May.
Please contact jmagee@sspeterandpaulrc.org for more information or to register.
For more information about our honoree: https://www.milarch.org/bishop-coffey/ To register: https://checkout.eventcreate.com/sourin-award-2024/select-buy?uid=f1f3f129-e047-49a4-b9da-151b96a4f755 Ticket $225 Table of 10 $2150 Ad book, 1/4 page, $250 Ad book 1/2 page, $500 Ad book full page, $1000 And much more...see the website for more details. |
Join the Exton Knights of Columbus as they lead the praying of the Stations of the Cross at Saints Philip and James Church. We gather on the Mary side of the church after the 8:30 AM Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Please walk with us through the 14 Stations and remember Christ’s Passion and His love for us.