We are a vibrant Roman Catholic community located in West Chester, PA. Join us for worship, for spiritual enrichment, or in service to others. Let us help you get to know Jesus!
We will be exploring the Christian lessons in the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" during five small group sessions starting in October and ending during Advent. All are welcome to join!
The groups will meet every two weeks to watch a clip from the movie and to discuss the life lessons contained in the movie. For more information or to register, click here.
The SSPP Women's Evening Cafe on October 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 PM will feature Dr. Gilbert Leidig, Jr., MD and author of the book, "Angels - a Thirty Day Walk".
Dr. Leidig will speak on God's unseen creation - angels, highlighting how they guide us, communicate with us, and protect us.
Please register here and sign up to bring an appetizer or beverage to share.
Your free-will donation will help us maintain this important and popular ministry.
The event will take place in the Church Hall (downstairs below the church). Hope to see you there!
Parish Retreat October 21 - Register today!
Join us for an uplifting day of spiritual insights from Catholic speaker Megan Murphy, along with Mass, Adoration and time for quiet reflection. Retreat runs from 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM at the McShain Horstmann Family Life Center at the Malvern Retreat House.Cost is $45 and includes continental breakfast and hot lunch.
Megan's talks are titled "Suffering and the Silver Chair" and "Overjoyed! Adoration and Transformation." See the event flyer for more information.
To register, click here. Register by October 10. Please make checks payable to Saints Peter and Paul Church and send to the Parish Office.
Join the Exton Knights of Columbus as they lead the praying of the Stations of the Cross at Saints Philip and James Church. We gather on the Mary side of the church after the 8:30 AM Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Please walk with us through the 14 Stations and remember Christ’s Passion and His love for us.