We are a vibrant Roman Catholic community located in West Chester, PA. Join us for worship, for spiritual enrichment, or in service to others. Let us help you get to know Jesus!
Saint Joseph’s House is a charitable nonprofit located in Coatesville, PA that provides family, love, care, and education to children, young adults, single mothers, and widows. Inspired by the "Culture of Life" spoken of by Blessed Pope John Paul II, Saint Joseph’s House has created a growing family filled with abundant love. For many individuals Saint Joseph’s House is providing them with their first experience of the love of parents and family to support them. The program includes housing, food, clothing, financial assistance, and tuition-free Catholic education.
Please generously support this example of God’s love at work in the world through your prayers and our poor box in February.
Watch the video below to learn more.Winter Book Discussion and Potluck Lunch - February 23 at 12:30 PM
Join us in the Fr. Kovacs room for food, presentation and discussion as Sr. Sheila Galligan, I.H.M., S.T.L., S.T.D, Professor Emerita of Theology at Immaculata University presents "Spiritual Warfare: Unpacking C.S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters." Sr. Sheila completed her doctoral dissertation on the writings of C.S. Lewis.
Registration required by February 20. Bring a dish to share. Click here to sign up.
New Bible Study in March - Lectio Peter: Cornerstone of Catholicism
The character of St. Peter is both inspiring and confounding to many. How could a stubborn and impulsive fisherman become the “rock” upon which Jesus would build his Church? By deciding to follow Jesus Christ, this unknown fisherman becomes a key player in God’s plan of salvation.
Bringing together biblical accounts, historical evidence and more, Dr. Tim Gray of the Augustine Institute brings a fresh perspective on Simon Peter that is informative and relevant to our lives.You can attend the ten-week Bible study on Wednesday evenings (7 :00 PM) beginning March 12, or Thursday mornings (10:00 AM) beginning March 13.
Contact Jane Joyce at jane.joyce@verizon.net or Marietta Moody at yettamoody07@verizon.net with any questions, or to register and to order the study guide ($25) by March 1.
Stations of the Cross followed by presentation on "St. Joseph: Hidden Guide Through the Mystery of Redemption"
On Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 PM in the Church, Sr. Mary Hostia Josephine of the Sisters of Life will speak about how St. Joseph can show us how to live Lent well based on how he lived his earthly life with Jesus and Mary. Specifically, she will explore his lessons of fatherhood, poverty, and daily sufferings.
A free will offering will be collected to support the good work of the sisters. What a great way to celebrate the feast day of St. Joseph!
Back by popular demand, Sharif Khbeis, professional tour guide and scholar, will join us by video to provide a virtual Passion Pilgrimage with pictures of the holy sites in Jerusalem. The virtual tour will be on Sunday, March 23 at 2:30 PM in the parish center.
Please email jmagee@sspeterandpaulrc.org to complete the required registration. A free will offering will be collected to support Sharif and his family during this difficult time in Israel.