Dear Parishioners,
Admit it. There is probably no stronger human need than to be loved. Infants and children crave it from their parents. Teens and young adults seek it from their peers. Young men and women seek out the perfect spouse. Husbands and wives express love in countless ways. Those who feel unloved often try to compensate with such things as material goods or excesses of all sorts.
Well, here is something each of you must remember: God LOVES you; GOD loves you; God loves YOU. Are you getting it? Do any of us fully appreciate it? Can we even begin to imagine so great a love?
God has a long history of loving us. In fact, God’s love is eternal and unconditional. And in a world still darkened by sin, God continues to love us and fulfills his eternal plan for our salvation. As we know from John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to take on our humanity, to teach us about God’s love, and to suffer and die for our sins. What greater act of love could there be? Scripture also reminds us that God is rich in mercy because of the great love He has for us. He brought us to life in Christ Jesus. By grace we have been saved. By grace we share in His divine life. God loves us!
When we are wronged, we often seek revenge. When we are hurt, we tend to walk away. When we are ignored, we usually stop talking. But when God is wronged, he loves. When God is maligned, He stands strong. When God is ignored, He communicates with us. How can we possibly return so great a love? The liturgy itself provides our guide. We listen attentively to the truth that Christ still teaches in the Scriptures. We give due thanks and praise to God, expressing our gratitude for His many gifts. And we are dismissed from the liturgy to go out and share with others the good news that God loves them, too.
Another good way to start loving Him…is by spending time with Him. This weekend we begin our 40 Hours devotions as a parish family. Immediately following the 11:30 Mass on Sunday, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed until after our devotions at 7:00 PM. It will then be exposed after the 8:30 AM morning Mass and remain exposed until after our devotions at 7:00 PM on Monday and Tuesday. I have asked Rev. John Babowitch, dear friend, travel companion and pastor of Our Lady of Calvary, to come and lead us in these devotions each night. I pray that you can make some time to spend with the Lord over these next few days; and if you do and are able, may they truly be a blessing to you!
God Love Ya!
Fr. Reilly