Can you believe that Christmas is just eight days away? Where did the season of Advent go? I hope you had time to “actively wait” and prepare spiritually for this joyous occasion. If you haven’t, don’t fret…there are still three days; so use them wisely.
I found this thought to be one that should be shared during our preparation during these next 3 days:
“Make plans to come home to your family for Christmas, even if it involves some forgiveness.
Come home to your Church, even if that involves some forgiveness ~
perhaps in both directions.
No home, no Church is perfect. It’s simply a place where imperfect people treat each other with a kindness that no one has to earn.
At Christmas time we belong with our family, and with our Church ~
it’s the birthday feast of the Son of God who called everyone his brothers and sisters.
“I’ll be home for Christmas.”
There’s a beautiful ring to those words.
May it be our song this Christmas season as a parish family!