Dear Parishioners,
As we continue our journey through this beautiful season of Advent towards Christmas we are reminded of who we are anticipating for; not just at the liturgy, but also in the decoration of our Church. As with all things in life, much of what we do is based on tradition and preference.
The bishops of the United States have published guidelines for church art and architecture that also touch on seasonal decoration, Built of Living Stones. It says that seasonal decorations should draw people to the true nature of the mystery being celebrated rather than being ends in themselves. They should also enhance the primary liturgical points of focus, that is, the altar, lectern, and presider’s chair. And it gives a few specifics to the season: seasonal decorations should remain throughout the whole season; traditional objects such as Advent wreaths should be proportional to the space.
The season of Advent is a great time for us to spiritually prepare ourselves for Christ’s birthday. Therefore, we should be clearing away some of the “junk” in our hearts to make room for Christ on Christmas Day. This preparation should also be reflected in our church. The simplest we can be, the better, as our focus is on the coming of the Lord and not how beautiful the Advent decorations are to behold. I find our church beautifully elegant, that’s how I describe it to family and friends. The simpler we are, only enhances the true beauty of our Church, as well as it should reflect in our own lives, for we are God’s children; beautiful and loved!
Another opportunity to clean out some “junk” is by going to Confession. This Thursday night, December 12, we will be having our Advent Penance Service. There will be many holy priests joining us this evening to help hear confessions and some that are really hard of hearing…hint! hint! So don’t be afraid to take
advantage of this awesome sacrament of God’s love and mercy…no matter how long it has been. I am sure many of the heavenly hosts will be rejoicing that you have returned to prepare a place in your heart for the newborn King!
As we journey closer spiritually to Christmas, may our lives and our Church reflect that joy we feel in our hearts. So be patient and enjoy the waiting for I am sure that someone and something of great beauty will come our way sooner than we think!
God Love Ya!
Fr. Reilly