This week is Holy Week, the most sacred week of the year for us as Christians, and as Catholics.
During this week, we commemorate the salvation won for us by Christ’s suffering, death and resurrection.
The rituals and liturgies celebrating these saving deeds are most meaningful and beautiful. They are truly
the celebration of our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.
Please see the complete list of our Holy Week services and liturgies. I would like to invite each of you to join
us this week in celebrating these sacred mysteries which are the very core of our faith.
We have much to be thankful for as individuals, and as a parish. The salvation won for us by Jesus Christ,
and the hope He brings us is truly a gift worth celebrating.
Please join us during this Holy Week in praying that we will all be moved to a deeper appreciation of our
faith. Pray also with me in a special way for a return to the church and the sacraments of those who are
alienated for whatever reason. Pray also for the church, for peace in our world, and for vocations.
May we all join together this week in celebrating our FAITH and making this truly a HOLY WEEK.