Dear Parishioners,
I want to offer a message from Father Keith Chylinski, Rector of St. Charles Seminary:
“Through your support of the St. Charles Borromeo Seminary Appeal, you are participating in a critical mission within the Church. Without the priest, we would not have the Eucharist. Without our Deacons, Catechists and other lay leaders, our missionary outreach would lose its vitality. Your contributions are not only a gift to the seminary, but also a gift to the entire Church! And as part of the Church, we are all called to proclaim the beautiful and hopeful message of Christ.
Thank you for your “yes”!”
I ask you to please support the seminary appeal. Please be as generous as your means allow. You should receive a donation envelope in the mail. It is to be mailed directly back to the seminary. Also, this year you can pledge your donation and pay it in installments throughout the year. The worthy mission of our seminary deserves our support and prayers.
I also ask that you pray for all seminarians presently studying at St. Charles. Pray that God will lead and guide them and give them grace of perseverance. Pray also for an increase in vocations to the priesthood. We need dedicated and holy priests to minister to the needs of all God’s people. We all need to encourage our young men to consider whether God might be calling them to the priesthood.
I also ask that you pray for our Seminary as we end the era on the Overbrook Campus and begin a new era on the Gwynedd Campus. May God bless our Seminary going forward.
Please support St. Charles Seminary and its mission with your prayers and financial support.
May Mary, Mother of Priests intercede for all our priests and seminarians.
God bless us all!
Fr. Citino