Yesterday, we learned of the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that claimed the precious and irreplaceable lives of 19 children and 2 teachers who tried to protect them. Once again, we are collectively stunned, saddened, and angered. These senseless and evil acts of murder have become all too commonplace in our society and they must end.
At this moment of deep pain, mourning, and confusion, I ask all people of goodwill to pray for the souls of the victims of the Robb Elementary School shooting and that God will bring strength to all those coping with voids that can not be filled. May the Lord pour His mercy upon them and hold them in His loving embrace. At the same time, we lift prayers of thanksgiving for the selfless bravery of the law enforcement officers who brought an end to this rampage and the medical first responders who rushed into harm’s way to care for the many wounded.
In the wake of this tragedy hearts are torn asunder. Words alone are hollow. All of us share a responsibility to uphold God’s most precious gift, that of human life. Holistic actions must be undertaken to address the broad spectrum of causes for these acts of mass murder. May God embolden us and may He give wisdom to our leaders as we work together to stamp out this evil for good.
Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of PhiladelphiaGod bless us all!