Dear Parishioners,
We always thank God for you and always mention you in our prayers. For we remember before our God and Father, how you put your faith into practice, how your love made you work so hard, and how your hope in our Lord, Jesus Christ is firm.” (Thessalonians 1:2-3)
Please see below, the generosity all of you have shown, not just to our parish at Christmas, but more importantly, to the needy who have been so generously assisted by your donations to the various charities through our Poor Box Program.
You have my prayers and gratitude not just for your generosity, but most importantly, for your Faith!
God bless us all!
Fr. Citino
2023 Poor Box Donations
Month Recipient Amount
January Bournelyf Special Camp $ 3,540.60
February St. Katherine Drexel Parish $ 10,285.66
March Volunteer English Program $ 3,422.07
April Caring For Friends $ 2,862.54
May Mother of Mercy House $ 4,637.00
June UNBOUND $ 2,743.52
July Safe Harbor $ 3,103.38
August Sisters of Life $ 3,513.07
September Bethesda Project $ 6,023.38
October Good St. Anne Homeless Youth $ 4,020.85
November Birthright $ 3,676.39
December St. Agnes Day Room $ 3,184.87
Total $ 51,013.33
2025 Mass Intentions Book
We are opening the 2025 Mass Book on Wednesday, January 24 at 9:00 AM.
Paperwork to be completed is on the table in the Narthex. There are some changes going forward, so please be aware prior to picking up the forms.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.