November is for us as Catholics, traditionally a time to pray for our deceased loved ones. The following prayer was prayed by a man at the grave of his wife at the time of her funeral. I offer this prayer to you for your personal prayer and reflection.
God bless us all!
Fr. Citino
At the Grave of a Spouse
With a sorrowing heart, O beloved spouse, I fondly recall your love and companionship, your tenderness and devotion and the many comforts and joys you brought into my life. As I stand now before your grave, my heart cries out for the gentle touch of your hand and your sweet compassion. Never will I forget the hardships and the pleasures, trials and triumphs, joys and sorrow we shared together. You helped dispel my fear and in time of need encouraged me and stood by my side. I pray that our children may ever be inspired by your precious memory. May they always remember, and strive to imitate thy gentleness, piety and virtue.
O God, grant unto him/her for whom I mourn, all the joys of eternity, grant that his/her soul may watch as a guardian angel over my bereaved children, remove every evil influence from them, and lead them in the way of righteousness, so that we may one day be all deemed worthy of being numbered among the blessed.
O heavenly Father, grant that the soul of my beloved spouse be bound up in the bond of eternal life, together with the souls of all the righteous that are in Thy keeping. Amen.