Dear Parishioners,
Jesus came into this world to die so that you might live. As you celebrate His birth, do your best to imitate His life--to bring His work of redemption to fulfillment.
Live every day as if Christ lives in you. For He does. Live as His representative un this world. For you are. Live as if your life musty say to others--"Jesus Christ is Lord." For it must.
May Christ, though Mary, give you and your loved ones a full share of happiness and health during the Christmas season and in the coming New Year.
God bless us all!
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Angelo Citino
Fr. David Buffum
Fr. Dennis McGowan, O.S.A.
Deacon Bob Pierce
Deacon Pat Stokely
Christmas Schedule
NO Confessions on December 24, 2022
Christmas Masses
Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24, 2022
**4:00 (Church), 4:05 (Hall), 6:00, **8:00 PM
The adult choir will sing preludes at 7:30 PM
Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25, 2022
**8:30, 11:30 AM
**We will live stream the 4:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass, Preludes and 8:00 PM Christmas Eve Mass as well as the 8:30 AM Christmas Day Mass.
New Year's Masses
Holyday of Obligation
New Year's Eve, Saturday, December 31, 2022
4:30 PM
New Year's Day, Sunday, January 1, 2023
7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM
No 6:30 AM Mass will be celebrated the week between Christmas and New Years, the 6:30 AM Mass will resume on Monday, January 2, 2023.