Lent is a special time for personal reflection, seeing ourselves as we truly are before God, and opening ourselves up to His love and mercy. As we draw nearer to Holy Week, and the celebration of our salvation on Easter, it is most appropriate for us to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Each time we go to Confession, we experience a moment of grace in our lives. In this Sacrament, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus in a very personal way. As we place our sins and failures before our merciful God, we die to our sinful ways and rise to a renewed life of grace and hope.
At this most sacred time of the year, I urge everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to receive this great Sacrament of God’s love and mercy. It is a most appropriate way for each of us to prepare ourselves spiritually to celebrate the most sacred mysteries of our faith, the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Salvation.
Wednesday, March 24 at 7:00 PM, we will have approximately 10 priests available for confessions. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to receive this great Sacrament in preparation for your personal celebration of Easter. Also, please note the schedule above, for confessions in preparation for Easter. Please remember, other than the Wednesday, March 24, there will only be two priests available for confessions.