It is with great hope and optimism that I share with you the news that our parish has recently begun an exciting journey of becoming a Next Generation Parish. In partnership with the Archdiocese and the Catholic Leadership Institute, our parish will be piloting a nationwide effort to create communities of disciples, leaders, and missionaries that will sustain the Catholic Church into the future. The Next Generation Parish is not just “one more program”, it is a comprehensive effort to ensure a sustainable future of hope. This will be a chance for our community to assess our opportunities and strengths, develop a plan to move into the future, and most importantly, cultivate a deeper missionary spirit throughout our parish. Together, we will empower each other to bring the message and love of Jesus beyond our parish walls. Like the generations before us that built parishes we now call home, we are called to build. This is our moment to create and envision the Next Generation Parish experience that will provide a lasting foundation for the future.
More information and updates will be given as we move along. The following Parishioners are present members of our team:
Fr. Angelo Citino, Fr. Louis Monica, Brian Magee, Carla Krieman, Carol Bove, Joe Bracken, Chris Pickell, Judy Magee, Kevin Fein, Laura Stevenson, Marty Roddy, Susan Stickley.
Prayer for Spiritual Renewal of our Parish
O God, in your love, you created us.
In your mercy, you redeemed us through
Jesus Christ, your Son. In your goodness, you
guide us and sanctify us through the power of
your Holy Spirit.
We ask that you renew our spirits.
Reawaken in us a knowledge of your
presence with us, and our need for you as
we journey through life. May our relationship
with you, which is our faith, be our strength
for the journey.
May your people in Saints Peter and Paul Parish
renew their commitment to worship
you in spirit and in truth through their
participation in the celebration of Mass and
the sacraments.
Recognizing that Jesus is truly our Bread of
Life, may we receive Him in the Eucharist regularly.
We pray for ourselves and for all members of our parish,
especially those most in need of our prayers and your grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.