Dear Parishioners,
Ordinary Time is the name given to the thirty-three or thirty-four weeks (depending upon Easter) in the course of the year apart from Advent/Christmas and Lent/Triduum/Easter.
Ordinary Time is that part of the liturgical year when no particular moment or aspect of the Christian mystery is celebrated. This does not mean that the Church goes on vacation! It's just a way of slowing down and experiencing God in the ordinary events of our lives; just because we take a vacation doesn't mean that God takes one from us!
Speaking of vacations, one can hardly believe that summer has come and tomorrow is the 4th of July! I pray and hope that you take some time for yourselves and for your family over the summer months; and that your travel may be safe. If you are traveling and looking for a Church check out: for the closest Church and Mass times in your area.
As we start the month of July, I would like to officially congratulate all those young parishioners of our parish who have graduated this past month. As they mark a milestone in their life and journey forward, may they be assured of our prayers for them.
God Bless America and God Bless you!
God Love Ya!
Fr. Reilly
Heavenly Father,
as they look toward the future
bright hope conducts this prayer,
for we know the plans You have for them
were wrought with divine care.
Holy Spirit, lead them.
Let them run at Your command,
yet be still and know that you are God
when trouble is close at hand.
Your word will be a lamp for them,
a guide to light their way,
a solid place to set their feet,
a compass when they stray.
May they live their life to praise You,
not for fortune, nor for fame,
may everything they say or do
bring glory to Your name.
May their eyes be fixed upon You
as they seek the way that's pure,
tasting Your love and goodness
sleeping and rising secure.
Planted by Your living streams
they will delight in all Your ways,
hidden by Your sheltering wings
and new mercies for each day.
Even in a dangerous land
when storms threaten to destroy,
at the cross they will stand upon the Rock
their Strength, Hope and Joy.
Dear Lord, show them favor,
at all times keep them blessed,
may Your face ever shone upon them,
with peace and perfect rest.
Rectory Cook Needed!
Fr. Reilly is looking to hire a cook for the rectory.
The regular hours are Monday through Thursday 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.
Upon occasion, there will be guest priests for dinner if we have an event here at the parish, but generally, there would just be Fr. Reilly for dinner.
Cooking experience is preferred. Please contact the parish office if you are interested 610.692.2216 or email pafox@sspeterandpaulrc.
Thank you for your consideration.