Let us pray for the Crisis in Ukraine, and for all the troubled spots throughout the world. May God's Peace prevail, and may all people be safe and Free. Amen.
Dear Parishioners,
God is not the Creator or Author of Evil, but He speaks through it and works through it to reveal His Goodness.
The following is a prayer for your reflection.
God bless us all!
Fr. Citino
Lord Of Life
They ask me why I stop to pray
And why I begin my prayers with thanks
In a world fraught with pain and loss,
with cruelty and injustice.
Sometimes I ask myself this too.
And then I look again
And gratitude fills my heart anew.
Because when somebody is hungry,
another is dividing their portion.
When someone is thirsty,
another is digging a well.
When somebody is asking questions,
another is opening a book and teaching answers.
When somebody is lost,
another is searching.
Because when somebody is cursed,
another is a blessing.
When somebody is sick,
another is giving healing care.
When somebody has been driven from their home,
another is making room.
When somebody has despaired of all hope,
another struggles on for them.
Because when disaster strikes, and people flee,
somebody else, against all sense,
is running toward the danger
To reach out a hand,
to reach out Your saving hand,
to an absolute stranger.
And when somebody dies,
somebody else stops to pray,
And then makes a home for an orphan.
It’s as confounding as it is beautiful.
In this darkened world,
where the face of God is veiled
In the midst of calamities,
when all instinct speaks of self-preservation,
Somebody still cares for the other.
And miracles of compassion abound
This is why I am thankful.