Dear Parishioners,
As we approach the celebration of “Thanksgiving”, I would like to offer this spiritual preparation to make the holiday more meaningful. After all, we celebrate what we live.
In the next week or so, intentionally call to mind what you are thankful for, when you get up in the morning, before you go to sleep at night, during a quiet time during the day, or before the Blessed Sacrament in Church.
You might thank God for things such as: life, health, a new day, your family and friends who love you. It may be for blessings and good things received, or strength in time of sickness, suffering or grief, and those who are with you in those times to support you. Thank God for your faith, which is our strength for the journey.
Whatever it may be, intentionally say thank you to God each day as you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving. It will give special meaning to your personal celebration of the day because you will have lived what you celebrate.